Source code for watson.console.command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import inspect
import sys
from watson.common import strings
from watson.common.contextmanagers import suppress

[docs]class Base(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """The base command that outlines the required structure for a console command. Help is automatically invoked when the `-h` or `--help` option is used or when the command or namespace is not specified. If a name attribute is not specified on the class then a snake_cased version of the name will be used in its place. Example: .. code-block:: python # can be executed by ` my_namespace command` class MyNamespace(command.Base, ContainerAware): help = 'Top level namespace message' @arg() def command(self): '''Command specific help. ''' print('Run!') # with arguments from the function # can be executed by ` my_namespace command somevalue class MyNamespace(command.Base, ContainerAware): help = 'Top level namespace message' @arg() def command(self, value): '''Command specific help. Args: value: A value to pass ''' print('Run', value) # with options class MyNamespace(command.Base, ContainerAware): help = 'Top level namespace message' @arg('value', optional=True) def command(self, value): '''Command specific help. ''' print('Run!') """ name = None @classmethod def help(cls): if not cls.__doc__: cls.__doc__ = 'Missing help.' return cls.__doc__.splitlines()[0] @classmethod def cased_name(cls): if not = cls.__name__ return strings.snakecase( def write(self, message=None, error=False): out = sys.stderr if error else sys.stdout if not message: message = '' out.write(message + '\n')
[docs]def find_commands_in_module(module): """Retrieves a list of all commands within a module. Returns: A list of commands from the module. """ commands = [] for name, item in inspect.getmembers(module): if inspect.isclass(item) and issubclass(item, Base) and item != Base: commands.append(item) return commands